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Toole Recreation Planning provides professional parks, recreation, open space, and trail planning services. We pair regularly with nationally respected firms from allied professions to ensure that your project engages the highest level of expertise.


Our consulting model is unique and holistic in parks and recreation. We bring customized solutions to each client in operations, maintenance, financing, management, programming, and partnerships.

From your earliest conceptual thinking about your project to the most detailed strategy and action steps, we help you bring your project to reality and successful, sustainable implementation.

Services: Text
Image by Henry Be


Comprehensive Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plans serve as a roadmap for improving the quality of life in a community. Upon implementation, our plans improve access to recreation opportunities, health and wellness, and nature - for ALL They spur local economies, help deter crime, and ensure environmental conservation.


From parks plans in tiny boroughs with less than 500 people to our largest cities such as Philadelphia, from short trail linkages to 75 mile long corridors and county trail plans, our master plans leverage resources and are implemented. And we don't stop at the ribbon cuttings: we work with you to ensure long term maintenance and sustainability.


Through our outreach in our projects, our mission is to to engage and nurture a broad-based constituency to support the planning, development, revitalization, and sustainability of parks and recreation opportunities that contribute to more vibrant, equitable, and healthy communities for people of all ages, abilities and needs. To that end, we work toward leveraging ideas, people power and financial resources through special projects that build capacity and community support on locally, regionally, statewide and nationally.

Services: Inventory
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